
02 April 2010

The Bucket List and Other Life Lessons

Up until now, I have used this blog to share nothing but fashion related things- and while I do want to keep fashion as the main focus, I also want to use this blog as a creative outlet to share my life.

If you’ve been following my blog you’ve probably noticed that I haven’t blogged this past week. It’s been a tough week, and I think the details are all a little too personal to share here. But I’ve always been a strong person, and I never thought that something like what I’ve been dealing with would bother me as bad as it has. And when I realized there was nothing I could do to make it go away, I started to think of things I could do to put it out of my mind- which got me thinking about a bucket list.

I’ve always thought about one but never really had the drive to start on it. When I started writing my bucket list I realized I was writing about doing things that were all dangerous and scary, and I was doing that because I felt like nothing could compare to the pain I was experiencing now, so what did I care if I was doing risky things. Don’t worry- I soon got my mind back and since then I've been thinking about lots of things that in the past scared me to think about. I realized there were many parts of my life I was holding back in because I was scared- scared of what people would think, scared if I was wrong, scared is I was right, etc. After that I came to the conclusion that you have to live life fully and completely, without holding back just because you’re scared of what will happen; because if you hold back you're missing the point of living. And, unfortunately, if you do that you're eventually going to lose the things that are most important to you.

After taking all these things into consideration I altered my bucket list just a bit- it still includes a few dangerous (and likely stupid) things, but they are all things I have wanted to do for a long time- not things I just want to do for the rush.

So here’s my bucket list. I'm not ever going to say it's final, because I think of new things all the time that I want to do in my life; but this it is for now:

1) Sky-dive
2) Learn to fly a plane
3) Swim with sharks, without a cage
4) Climb a mountain, a big one
5) Try every food I am offered at least once
6) Get a tattoo- this one is more difficult. I've always wanted to get a tattoo just to be able to say I did, but I can hardly settle on what to wear every day, how the heck am I going to decide what to wear for life?! So I'm thinking a freckle. Don't laugh, I know it's lame, but it's also the best of both worlds, at least in my eyes
7) Visit every continent
8) Dip my toes in every ocean
9) Get over my asthma enough to run a marathon
10) Get over my fear of needles and donate Blood
11) Change someone's life

Whew, that was long. So I know this probably isn't what you were expecting to see when you found my fashion blog- but I think that sharing more than just what I wear every day will make this more complete, both for me as the author, and for you as the reader. I look forward to working on my bucket list, and I especially look forward to planning what to wear as I complete each of these things!

Got a bucket list? Leave me a comment and tell me about it!

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